Levitation: The pitchfork can levitate the user and anything else should the user command it.Fire Generation: The pitchfork can blast fire from its head, incinerating anything in its path.Teleportation: By tapping the bottom-end of the pitchfork on the ground, the Devil can instantly teleport himself to anywhere he wants.

He also becomes more bad-tempered and wrathful in general, including towards other demons such as Henchman and Stickler.īy season 3, the Devil still keeps his wrathful and negative traits, going as far as draining the life out of Ms.

In the second season, the Devil’s hatred of Cuphead becomes more intense, to the point where just talking about him is enough for him to have explosive bursts of anger. The Devil is also more actively involved in pursuing his goals than his counterpart character from the game. However, he can be very intimidating as shown when he threatens King Dice after his failure. He's jollier and more playful than he is in the game and behaves in a more childish manner. The Devil is manipulative and evil with a flamboyant demeanor and an obsession with collecting souls. His fur, horns, and claws have both also gained slight blue and yellow tints, and his ears are a bit longer and spikier. The Devil now is always depicted with a tail (unlike in the game), his nose is red, and the red irises he is only occasionally depicted with in-game are now a permanent part of his design. The Devil mostly resembles his game counterpart with a few changes.